Madison Main Street Project
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Saved by Kim Brand
on April 23, 2012 at 10:33:57 pm
Mistakes to Avoid If You Run a Business
Presented to the Madison Main Street Project
April 24, 2012
Kim Brand
(just Google me)
Let's start with Q & A!
1. Why 5? (Five is the new Ten - nobody has time for ten)
2. I'm more like a Pharmacist than a Physician (More like a chicken than a pig :)
3. Why Mistakes? (Pain is interesting. There are so many to choose from :)
* Mistakes may not be proportional to income, sales, costs
* Mistakes keep you from investing in what works - fail fast!
* Remember that rules which govern the motion of the stars fail to explain what happens in atoms
(You may discover that their 'rules' don't apply to you :)
4. Where do all small business owners want to go?
5. These five mistakes can keep you from getting there:
# 5: Ineffective website - Search replaced Sales when Google replaced the Yellow Pages
* Sales turned into Search when Google became dominant
* Prospects want it quick - and deep; they want information and affirmation; 30 sec video rules
* Customers want a relationship
* Decide what your website sells: a phone call, a visit, an order
* Does Google have a 2nd page? Narrow your search terms to mean 'you' are the right answer
* Not all search is created equal: YouTube, Blogs, Yelp, Facebook
# 4: Complicated sales messages, processes, distribution means; Misunderstanding my customers' needs
Literally and figuratively
This is what mattered:
* Dominate your space; location; location; location - brand, position, value proposition
* Your best shot is with your 'tribe'; be cautious not to confuse your product with your personality
* Make it easy to buy from you; where, when, how the customer wants to buy
* Determine if customers are members of your target or one-offs
And when you think you are having a big impact - consider this analogy
# 3: Mistaking politeness for the truth; the unwillingness of people to tell me what they perceive is bad news
* Confirmation Bias, Availability Bias (see Leonard Mlodinow: "The Drunkard's Walk")
* Seek out the truth: third parties, focus groups
* Consultants & Coaches, Boards, Curmudgeons
Not everybody's baby is beautiful
# 2: Ignoring Processes; "winging it." Being too busy to manage; continuing to be my 'best' employee
* Create feedback systems: sales, bookkeeping, metrics
* Training - letting go of jobs that make you feel good because you are the only one that can do it
* Automate follow-up with prospects, to stay in touch with customers, to pay attention to and cultivate relationships
# 1: Misunderstanding my own capacity/interest/talent to deliver what's needed by my business
* Businesses need more skills, at different times, than most owners can deliver.
Your job is to figure out how to compensate for your weaknesses
And let your talent bloom
Five Authors you should pay attention to - recommended to my Business Ownership Sales & Marketing classes:
Jeffrey Gittomer. Here is a summary of his 'Little Red Book of Selling'
Marshall Goldsmith's Leadership/Coaching library is totally free and totally awesome!
Peter Geisheker. Here is his free marketing whitepaper including 110 marketing tips for small businesses.
Where to look for more:
YouTube (search for Sales & Marketing training videos)
iTunes (Podcasts, etc. Check out this link to Sales & Marketing books you can download to your iOS device.)
StumbleUpon.com (Register then add Marketing and Sales (at least) to your profile)
links.KimBrand.com (then add BOI and/or Entrepreneurship to tag filters)
Madison Main Street Project
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