
Other Resources

Page history last edited by Kim Brand 5 years, 10 months ago

Video of the developer of Ruby on Rails regarding his startup experience.


Seth Godin: All Marketers are Liars presentation given at Google.

You should definitely check out Reddit on sales: https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/

17 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask Before Starting Anything New (ref: IUPUI Entrepreneurship class)

The Rise of the Marketer from The Economist

Why Entrepreneurs Must Develop a Growth Mindset (and How to Do It)]

Great video from the McKinsey Company: Innovation & Creativity

Great article from Inc. 4 Most Important Things Entrepreneurs should know.

Wonderful Quora answer for the question "What are the early symptoms of startup failure?"

Stratagyzer Canvas - streamline creation/presentation of your business model

Common misconceptions about entrepreneurship from Quora

100 Business Resources on YouTube

Entrepreneur RevolutionHow to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and start a business that works

My answers to Dr. Sara Hook regarding entrepreneurship for a course she's teaching.

37 Entrepreneur 'Secrets' from Inc. Magazine

Huge list of Business Courses Open Culture

Kaufman Tale of Two Entrepreneurs, Understanding Differences in the Types of Entrepreneurship in the Economy 

Dr. Matt Will, UIndy Econ Professor, Syllabus for his MBA 799 Business Plan course

Great resources from the SBA including this Business Plan tool.

Sales Process resources from BNET.COM

Another good article from BNET: Do You Think Like an Entrepreneur?

Both sides of the table: on-Selling

SCORE recommended on-line business planning: http://www.wickedstart.com/public_home

SCORE Business Planning templates: http://www.score.org/resources/business-plans-financial-statements-template-gallery

10 Essential Tips to Double your Conversion Rate

Creating a Powerful Sales Process

50 Proven Persuasion Tools

7 Steps to Sell Anything

5 Things I'd tell my 21 year old Entrepreneur self

Five Ps of Marketing, Another Five, My Five: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Positioning

Do you have Entrepreneur DNA?

The iTunes repertoire of Building a Business by Oxford University (podcasts)

Stanford University's eCorner (highly recommended; lectures by rockstars)

Great intro to Entrepreneurship on Gaebler: Resources for Entrepreneurs

Harvard TECH Business Plan site

How to create a good business card

Jeff Bowe's How to Captivate Attention in One Sentence and his Dreaded Cold Calling Game

The Irresistable Offer.  200 page book on Selling

Business Survival Guide.  Nearly 200 page book on Starting a Business

Dale Carnegie's Secrets of Success

Time management through the Pomodoro Technique - 25 minute blocks

50 Closing techniques

Videos on small business selling; this one from founder of Amway, this one from Jeffrey Gittomer. Just Google him. Especially his Little Red Book of Selling - here's a brief summary

Hundreds of small business selling links

Business card design tips; Vistaprints (free recources)

Prospecting links; definition video; listening

Your job is toast - better be an entrepreneur (Actually not the title ;)

Marketing Book by Peter Geisheker

Lots of stuff by Marshall Goldsmith; including this video of a presentation he gave at Google.  Just Google him.

Lengthy white paper on Executive Coaching by Steve Axelrod consulting and another whitepaper on Executive Coaching Handbook.

Tons of free articles based on Guerilla Marketing

Personality profiling: http://www.2interact.com/index_files/Page266.htm

Employment 101 from Scott Tant, Professional Staff Management.

46 Ways to start a business with no money

Tim Ferriss blog on entrepreneurship and his Stoicism 101: Practical Guide for Entrepreneurship.

Another entry on Entrepreneurship: Harnessing the Manic-Depressive Rollercoaster.

MSNBC's 'Your Business' airs 7:30am Sunday is about small business with at least one good episode.

Apparently good blog on Entrepreneurship: Sramana Mitra - and her Entrepreneurship book list at Amazon.

Explains the 60x60 Rule for upselling

Great website for 75 startup tools


Book Recommendation: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries (Recommended by me and Michael Cloran of Developer Town)

Entrepreneur (and other) video series at UDEMY.com Academy: This one by Eric Ries on Lean Startups


All the reasons why you won't be successful: Entrepreneur Autopsy


Create pie charts for your presentation online here: https://www.meta-chart.com/pie#/display


Inspirational Quote by Guy Kawasaki.

Emotional Equations by Chip Conley


10 Places to get a free education.


Small Business Trends Radio


Don't forget all the SMB/Sales/Marketing resources on YouTube.


Anti Venture Capital web site.   They sell a $80 workbook on how to avoid dealing with VCs and why.


Course on creative financing.


  • Loans from family and friends, home equity
  • Sell stock
  • Credit from suppliers
  • Credit cards
  • Advances from customers
  • High margins fuel future growth
  • Used equipment: desks, technology
  • Variable costs: labor, rent, cell phone
  • Free technology: web, e-mail, software, skype, used computers,
  • Agreement with customers
  • Students, interns for bookkeeping
  • Sales, price advantages
  • Craig's list, auctions
  • Creative advertising/marketing strategies
  • Hosted services: no money down, variable cost, cancel anytime


Great article on Entrepreneur Survival at the NYTimes.


Four ways to get rejected by an Angel Investor


Startup Nation


Google Free Business Listing


Google TV ads for cheap from Gawker


Five things you shouldn't tell a potential investor.


WorkHappy site for Entrepreneurs


Wonderful collection of Word/Excel templates.


Great site that praise entrepreneurship for creating jobs.





Paul Groman's free E-Book: Game of Business.  This was available from a great Sales/Business Training resource: Business Balls


What Paul Graham says it takes to be an entrepreneur.


298 Page College level book on Marketing: Core Concepts of Marketing


10 Common Mistakes made by Entrepreneurs (Fast Company)


INDIANA State recommended resources (from the IEDC website.)



     Elevate Ventures

     Small Business Innovation Research Institute


No mention of the Central Indiana Women's Business Council or BOI :(


I can’t remember the last time I sent a link to a site for small business practice/theory to the BOI board, but this was too good to not pass along. 




If you browse-up to http://network.bepress.com/business/ you’ll find thousands of other academic papers…and the whole site is a treasure trove of resources for businesses of all sizes.  It makes me want to go back to B-school!  Something to read on stormy nights and holiday weekends.


Check out the cool user interface of the homepage: http://network.bepress.com/ 


The attached article is particularly good for leaders engaged in dynamic/chaotic markets – name one that isn’t these days!  I hope you learn as much from it as I did.  The takeaways: great leaders disrupt existing behavior, enable conflict, encourage novelty and make sense of emerging events for those they employ in complex markets that are inherently unstable.  New leaders understand self-organization and encourage innovation rather than innovate.  Fascinating!





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